
The new moon in Leo starts us out in August!! AAAWwwwwwwowoooooooooooo!!!!!!!!! Wait, thats a full moon..

The new moon in Leo starts us out in August!! AAAWwwwwwwowoooooooooooo!!!!!!!!! Wait, thats a full moon.. Well anyway the new moon in Leo brings our energies back home to our inner cosmos and gives that little boost that is great for self expression and self discovery, “Hello me its ME...

So grab a pencil or better yet a ultra permanent marker and draw something, or grab that guitar under your bed and toca le guitarrrrraaa mamacitas! The point is to ride this wave of Leo's energy until we cant ride it no more, then stand back and say, “it is good, verily..”   And since we will be dealing with Saturn retrograde for the whole month you know that anything we do should be done with healing and transformation in mind. Saturn is a peach in that regaurd, so use her to grow out of your pot and up the wall for everyone to see.

 August7-8th brings Venus triune Jupiter and thats more good news to us little cherubs. As you know Venus has always got our back and this week is no different. Its a great time to take advantage of her great abundance and positive energies to help drive our lives to greatness again (as if they werent already!)

On the 16th the transiting of Mercury square Uranus creates and energetic disruption (more than we are feeling everyday these days!). Mix in a little cosmic stress and and it may feel like the ground is constantly shifting under us. What we though was up ios down and what we thought was right might be wrong...cats and dogs will live together and mass hysteria will rule! Just for a few days tho cuz on the 25thVenus conjuct Mars  is basically the love potion number 9, so drink up kiddos and keep your eyes and heart open to a new romantic endeavor and rekindling of your current boo.  Verily it will be the sexiest time of the month, Rrrrawwrrr!

 Keep looking up!