That Moon is at it again, runnning across the darkened sky and dragging tits fingers thru...
..... the placid surface of our lives. ON the 2nd she will be in GEMINI and that projects down to us here on earth asense of restlessness and maybe a little confused. Dont be surprised f youre looking for a little feeling of stability in the first weekof MARCH. Its no joke what with MERCURY in retrograde at this point in the year.
Thank heavens that on the 4th we will be blessed with a little MERCURY sextile VENUS bringing amiable moods and a little more fun into our daily interactions. Solet the good times roll this weekend!
eyes forward hoomans..
An before you know it the 9th will be here where the full moon will slide into VIRGO. This leaves us confident and sure footed in this crazy mixed up world. Take off work early and take that chance you've been avoiding, because you'll nail it today!
On the 13th MARS will sextile NEPTUNE, leaving us feeling thirsty. Not the 'large gatorade' type but the oooh la la type, so find someone to purrr up to.
The 21st MERCURY sextile URANUS which opens up the higher dimentions of thought and perception. You might have some telling dreams or seethru those confusing situations that find you unprepared.