Letters Home from Camp D.C.

"Dear mommy, That dumb Bobby Mueller......"


Dear mommy,

  That dumb dumb Bobby Mueller totally chickened out of a fight with me! It was so amazingly amazing. I've been saying all along that he is a smelly butthole and he doesn't have the guts to fight me. So he said to everyone in camp that he was totally going to get me when I least expected it, totally whateve. And when all the counsellors were down at the lake kyaking he tried to bring all his friends over to my cabin and kick my butt.

 But haha guess what mommy! I had everyone big and tough in MY cabin that day and Bobby turned tail and ran when he saw how popular I was! Now all his dumb friends are saying that he dropped a fart in my room before he left, they are so delusional. He didn't fart in my room, and I didn't smell it, so whatever bobby!

 This year is totally go into rock here at camp mommy, not like last year. I wasn't ascarred of Bobby like everyone says I was. I just was tired of everyone paying attention to him. He thinks he's so cool and like tough but I can see thru him. He is a big bully mommy. And sometimes I cry cuz I don't want to be bullied here mommo, sniff.  I just want people to see how much of a big boy I am now! I am so smart.People should let me be like president even, cuz im so smart. Who knows maybe someday.

 Well im going to go do my push ups now for exercise class. I can do 2 now with just a little help from the counsellors. But be sure to tell daddy that I can do like 35 now ok?

Love you mommy
